

自2022年11月,openai 推出聊天机器人程序 chatgpt 之后,全世界陷入了狂欢,各种 AI 工具如雨后春笋般涌现。本文整理了一些非常实用的工具,供大家参考。

1. 文本推理

1.1 deepseek

deepseek是幻方推出的大语言模型,最突出的优势是便宜,百万 token 只需要1-2元

1.2 coze

coze是字节推出的 AI 机器人开发平台,你可以开发自己的机器人应用并发布到应用商店。它最大的优势是可以“白嫖” gpt4dalle3

2. 图像视频

2.1 stability.ai

stability.ai是一家 AI 公司,它提供图片、视频生成的在线服务,token 不算贵。

3. 语音

3.1 whisper

whisperopenai 公司的语音模型,识别准确率很高。显存不够的读者,可以在网上搜索它的改进型。 openai 也提供了语音识别和文字转语音的服务,价格不算太贵,显卡性能不太好的读者可以直接调用 apiopenai 的文字转语音服务,目前支持6种发音,但它不支持 ssml ,对生成对话不够友好。

3.2 Google TTS

Google TTSGoogle 公司提供的文字转语音服务,它的发音种类比较多,免费额度也较高,能够满足日常剪辑视频。从使用的情况看,以下几种英文模型真实程度最高。


 同时,Google TTS 支持 ssml 文件,你可以非常方便的实现对话,例如下面一段脚本文件

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<voice name="en-US-Neural2-F">question 1 , What type of books is the woman interested in?</voice>
<break time="818ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Neural2-F">question 2, Which book did Person A decide not to buy?</voice>
<break time="823ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">Good morning. I'm looking for some books to buy. Can you help me?</voice>
<break time="740ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">Of course, I'd be happy to help. What kind of books are you interested in?</voice>
<break time="829ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">I need some books on environmental science. I'm taking a course this semester and I want to read more about the topic.</voice>
<break time="824ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">We have a great selection of environmental science books. Are you looking for textbooks or more general reading?</voice>
<break time="759ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">Actually, a bit of both. I need a textbook for my course, but I'm also interested in reading some non-fiction books about the environment.</voice>
<break time="811ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">Alright, for textbooks, we have &quot;Environmental Science, A Global Concern&quot; by Cunningham and Cunningham. It's a comprehensive book, widely used in universities.</voice>
<break time="756ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">That sounds good. I'll take it. And for the non-fiction?</voice>
<break time="714ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">For non-fiction, I recommend &quot;Silent Spring&quot; by Rachel Carson. It's a classic and had a significant impact on the environmental movement. Another good one is &quot;The Sixth Extinction&quot; by Elizabeth Kolbert. It discusses the ongoing extinction event due to human activity.</voice>
<break time="843ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">I've heard about &quot;Silent Spring&quot;, I'll take that one. But I'm not sure about &quot;The Sixth Extinction&quot;. Can you suggest something else?</voice>
<break time="813ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">Sure, how about &quot;This Changes Everything, Capitalism vs. The Climate&quot; by Naomi Klein? It's a compelling look at how economic systems contribute to environmental problems.</voice>
<break time="867ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">That sounds interesting. I'll take those three then.</voice>
<break time="837ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">Great choices. I'll get them wrapped up for you.</voice>
<break time="887ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-O">Thank you for your help.</voice>
<break time="806ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Studio-Q">You're welcome. Enjoy your reading!</voice>
<break time="809ms"/>
<voice name="en-US-Neural2-D">subscribe if you love this channel</voice>


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